South Mountain Golf Course

This is to inform you that the DCNR(*) doesn’t want to renew the lease for the golf course. The lease expires 12/31/2025. They feel YOU the public don’t need the course and they have better plans for it.

This course has been in the George family for over 60 years with the help of others along the way.

Dave George, Richard George, Fred Hauber, Walter Zeigler, Bill Zehler

With thousands of rounds of golf played here each year, Leagues, Groups, Businesses, Charitable groups and organizations hold their events. Why do they come? They come because of the Friendly Staff, Scenic Views and the reasonable rates to play. (always looking for that Bear to come back)

In the meeting with Roy Brubaker  (717-352-2211) , these are some of their plans for the property.

Move their offices from Caledonia and construct a new building on the Golf Course site.

Year-round access to beginner to moderate share use trail loop systems.

Access to and interpretation historical sites and landscape features proximal to the lease site.

Large group outdoor and conservation education programming.

Restoration and provision of high quality grassland, wetland and old field habitats.


In a previous meeting discussing the Golf Course, we were told that we would be allowed to speak as well as the public in front of the Committee before a decision would be made about lease of the course.  That never happened. 


Sometimes the Government isn’t correct on their decision. WE the Public need to take a stand and voice our opinion on not renewing the lease of SMGC . YOU can make a difference. Please sign the petition that is at the golf course, at Social Clubs, Professional Organizations, Religious Centers and Businesses. If you would like one for people to sign, you can pick one up at the golf course.


There will be a Town Hall Meeting scheduled with the DCNR Wednesday October 18th @ 5:00 PM

South Mountain Fish & Game Club   11547 Loop Road Fayetteville, Pa 17222

Lets Pack the House and let your Voices be Heard. Hopefully one or more of our Representatives will be there. 


To Voice Your Concerns or Opinion, Contact your Representatives / Senator

Paul Schemel  717-895-3902  /  717/749-7384    Capitol  717-783-5218

Rob Kauffman  717-264-3943  /  717-532-1707  Capital  717-705-2004

Rich Irvin  717-532-1701  /  814-644-2996          Capital  717-787-3335

Doug Mastriano  717-264-6100  /  717-334-4169  Capital  717-787-4651

Dan Moul  717-334-3010  /  866-646-4915   Capital  717-783-5217


We have lost several other golf courses in the area over the past several years that people loved to play.  Don’t let SMGC be next. WE need to take a STAND.

If you can help or know someone that can, Please contact us at the Course  717-749-3286.


Thanks to all that signed the Petition and that are helping to pass the word.   We will keep you posted.


Dave, Richard, Donnie Andy and Staff.


* Department of Conservation and National Resources